Thursday, October 9, 2008

Did They Win After All?

I consider myself a Patriotic American. It's not something I wear on my shirt sleeve or even openly espouse on a routine basis. But as far as I can tell through genealogic records I am one of a long line of American Patriots. So, perhaps it's in my blood.

I have worn the uniform of the United States Army. And while my time in service was not spent deployed overseas, I was part of the Nurse Corps and was able to serve in a different capacity.

In 2001, I was working as a civilian at the Pentagon. While I was actually on leave that fateful day in September I do know what it's like to have actual terrorism parked on your doorstep. I cannot begin to explain the mixture of feelings I felt when I went back to work on the 12th and saw that gaping hole in the Pentagon. With many people I had encountered during my workday as a nurse now dead, and innocent people on the plane who had surely lived through something beyond horrible, and were also dead, I resolved to return to duty and not let terrorism sway me from my mission.

Almost 5 years to the day, I finally decided it was okay to move on and that everything I could possibly do in my capacity there was done. So I left, but not without mixed feelings.

Today, I was perusing Yahoo news and discovered that at least in Maryland those thugs might have had some degree of victory after all. It seems that the Maryland State Police under the authority of the previous state administration investigated nonviolent activists in the state who for all intents and purposes were acting within the lawful confines of protest, were added to a federal watch list as terrorists. The investigations took place over 14 months between 2005 and 2006. There were undercover operations and infiltrations for intelligence gathering purposes. Nothing according to the article was ever found to suggest any link to actual terrorism. Just people with a conviction for their cause who lawfully protested what they felt was injustice. Here's the link to the story:

There are other links attached where you can see the letter that this administration is sending to the people who were tagged. Gov. O'Malley's administration decided that these folks should be made aware that this had happened in case there are future ramifications. They plan to imminently purge this information from the databases and are giving the affected persons an opportunity to view the information prior to its destruction.

However, they are not permitted to bring an attorney or keep copies of these records in case there is a future time that could cause a problem. Imagine getting a letter from the Maryland State Police that says that because of your lawful protest you have been targeted as a terrorist against your own country! Now, I do have to give kudos to the Maryland State Police and Gov. O'Malley's administration for being honest about this whole situation and telling people about their situation. They could have just done the purging without acknowledging anything to anyone.

But, now that they have I am sure that there is more than a little concern about the ramifications of these investigations and their fallout. I am sure this won't be the last we've heard of this issue. However, I do think it unwise to deny people the right to an attorney's advocacy if they want it, or the ability to have copies of these records for their own use before the database is purged.

I realize the State probably doesn't want these files to be copied or lawyers to be involved for the simple reason they don't want to get sued. However, it would seem to me that in a country founded with the unique concept of Democracy that the State should not be allowed to now withhold or destroy information from people who have been mistargeted as terrorists "because it's the best thing to do". What if there are future ramifications? What if the law has been truly violated? Should we the people not get to hold the State or those specifically responsible accountable? How does the State plan to protect those they have targeted from future problems if they have no records to demonstrate they were targeted in the first place?

Doing the right thing here is not limited to acknowledging the mistake alone. It's one thing to have real information about a threat to the State or country, but it's another to decide that any lawful, nonviolent group with an issue is a potential terrorist cell and investigate them to this extent.

This was a 14 month investigation that infiltrated these protest groups and found nothing of worth according to the story. The letter these folks were sent (you can find it on one of the links) states that the new Superintendent of the State Police hopes to prevent future investigations of this nature. Well obviously that's great, but what if the damage has already been done? Destroying the records won't help entirely. And it does not allow people to hold the responsible parties accountable within our justice system if need be. People have a right to confront those alleging they committed or are planning to commit crimes. They have a right to defend themselves. How do they know the information erroneously entered in these databases has not been put elsewhere in other databases? Destroying the original source for the information is no guarantee that these folks are free and clear of the title of "terrorist".

The real terrorists sought to undermine our way of life and cause chaos within our government. While our country, its government, policies, and culture are not always stellar examples of good judgment or even of being right, it is still supposedly a place where you can exercise your right to free speech. I don't always agree with what is said under that right, but it is still a fundamental in our country. Everybody has a right to an opinion and has a right to express it within the confines of the law. These people did nothing more according to the story, yet they were labeled essentially as enemies to the State. How is this kind of thing not playing exactly into the hands of the real terrorists? The State has acknowledged the wrongdoing, but is not going far enough to ensure that the rights of the people it once trampled aren't being walked all over again.

Okay, I'm getting off the soapbox now....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Second American Revolution

For those who feel strongly about what is happening in our country, check out this YouTube video...

It's pretty clever, and makes some good points.

Here's an additional link in case you need it:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

7 Years Ago Today

Everyone knows what today's date marks. But you might not know some of the inside story, so I'm here to relay what some heroes did that day. In February of 1999 I started working at the Pentagon. I was part of the emergency response team and I ran the allergy/immunization & travel medicine clinic. On 9/11/2001, as fate would have it I was at home in Annapolis on vacation with my Mom and Aunt who were visiting. We had plans to go to Rosslyn to the Newseum that day, but my Aunt's car developed a problem so we brought it to the local dealer for assistance. On the way, we heard about the towers. With the first one it sounded like a freak accident. When the second one hit, well I think we knew all hell was breaking loose and this was no accident.

I called my clinic to talk to my Sergeant to see if they knew. She said they were watching it on TV. While I was talking to her, she said they had the call to evacuate the building and I told her to go and I would talk to her later, with a sinking feeling in my gut.

This is one of those times in life where you are eternally grateful you weren't somewhere at the time of a bad event, but also unhappy that you weren't there to help. Having worn the uniform of the US Army myself, I felt a strong sense of duty to be at work. However, my Mom had other ideas and physically barred the door to prevent me from trying to go. We discovered that a threat had been called in to the statehouse (about 5 or so miles from my house at the time) and that all roads in and out of the city were being closed. Not too mention that bridges and roads to the Capitol and the Pentagon were also being closed. So, I acquiesced and stayed home that day. I sat glued to the TV watching to figure where the building was hit, and if I could see anyone I knew to know if they were okay or not. Fortunately for us, they hit the side 3 corridors away from us in the building. The blast took out our contingency clinic (for this type of emergency) and the library and as everyone knows, many offices. Also fortunate that they were just being moved into so not the full cadre of personnel were there. Or, we would have had much more massive casualty numbers.

As it was, the clinic itself did not immediately know the building had been bombed. That building was so well constructed that they never felt it or heard it only 3 corridors away! It wasn't until someone ran into the clinic and told them they must evacuate as something terrible had happened that they called the Pentagon Police and confirmed it.

So, the entire clinic grabbed emergency equipment and evacuated. They were in the North parking lot and could see the smoke and fire on the other side. There is no easy or fast way to get around the building believe it or not. It's not as simple as trudging around the corner. So, the Chief Nurse Major Brown made the decision to move them into place in the inner courtyard and also to the outside where they could help evacuate and triage victims. So that's what they did. The entire clinic walked back through a burning building and set up in the courtyard and outside at the bomb site and started to work.

Several of the Medics went to offices just adjacent to the exit to help get people out. Several had be trapped by debris and it was cleared and they were moved out. The Medics did this without fire gear or a second thought for themselves.

Most people have heard of LTC Birdwell who was so badly burned. He was one of the first victims our clinic treated. Everyone hears about Arlington Rescue and what a job they did, and no one talks about the job my clinic did that day. The clinic was the first, of the first responders.

Several other people from the clinic risked their lives by standing in the bombed section in thick smoke and water up to their knees calling to people to help guide them out. The smoke was so thick you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. Due to their efforts, many people were saved.

At one point while everyone was out in the courtyard with victims, another plane flew overhead. They paused momentarily and went back to work. This time it was an F-16. (Go Air Force!) People worked and stayed until very late that day.

One thing I have to say... on that day it didn't matter what uniform you wore. Everyone was working shoulder to shoulder to take care of patients. Generally, there is some friction between the branches and with the civilians. But not on that day. They were a well-oiled machine.

It is virtually unheard of to have soldier's medals awarded to a soldier in peacetime. It has to be a pretty big show of valor, courage and heroism AND has to be verifiable. There were 7 people who got soldier's medals from their actions on that day alone. Several of the civilians also got medals (didn't know we could get 'em did you?). This is not the end of the story, but for now I have to go to work!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is going on in the world today?

It seems like when I was growing up if you needed help all you had to do was ask for it. I remember when I was just a little kid about 5ish and I was on the bus coming home from camp and I got off at the wrong stop. I was supposed to get off at St. Joe's Hospital, but I got off a little closer to home. So, being the independent soul I am, I walked home. Thought it was no big deal. Until I got home and no one was there because my Mom was waiting for me at St. Joe's. So again I proceeded to walk there myself. (We're up in Maine it's really not that far) I got back to where I started and then realized I couldn't remember exactly where St Joe's is. So thinking I could figure it out I walked to Little City Park thinking also that one of the park staff could help me.

Well, I got there and no staff. So, naturally, I started to cry. I was lost, couldn't find my Mommy and couldn't find St. Joe's. So one of the guys-- some rough looking dude with tattoos - asked me if I was okay. I said I couldn't find my Mommy and I got off at the wrong bus stop and was supposed to be at St. Joe's. So, he said he would bring me to my Mommy. So he very nicely held my hand and walked me to St. Joe's. My Mom was very happy to see me, but very surprised to see me with this guy. I'm sure he was just a teenager from around the neighborhood, but to me at the time he was just a big dude. In the end though, he recognized someone in need and got me to my Mom. He got involved and helped.

Obviously, I have always remembered that kindness of a stranger. I was a scared, lost kid and he helped. So I guess I am just becoming more and more shocked about the indifference of people today to those who need help. Take this for example:

Here's a guy who is just minding his own business and sleeping on the Philly train. On the other side of the partition in front of the door, this big guy on the video parks his 6 yr old son on the seat next to another big guy. He then reaches into his backpack, pulls out a hammer and then... starts beating the guy who was asleep! There are about 10 people on the train with them at the time. Do you think any of the other "big guys" stepped in to help? No! Do you see anyone calling for help? NO! Granted, a 6 ft something couple of hundred pounds size guy wielding a hammer would give me pause to get involved. But I am a 5'2" female. I can at least alert the conductor. The attack takes place over a 5 minute period in front of the assailant's 6 yr old son. The guy eventually drags the victim off of the train onto the platform and flees after assaulting him some more. And yes, leaves his son behind. The victim while I am sure traumatized, basically okay physically. Shocking when you consider the force under which the attack took place... and it was no small hammer!

After the guy is dragged off of the train one of the other guys reaches over and hits the emergency button. When the attacker flees, a WOMAN grabs the attacker's backpack and goes to help the victim and gets him to a hospital for treatment. The victim is 20 yrs old. The attacker as it turns out is about 37, and a career criminal with a violent crime history. (Assault, rape, etc.) He was identified after police showed the video on TV to ask for help in identifying the attacker. Not sure why you couldn't get that from the kid, or whomever came to get the kid (assuming it was family). Poor little guy is probably quite traumatized. What is even more shocking is that there were 10 people on that train and not one lifted a finger to help the guy until after the danger had passed. (including calling for help) And, the police commissioner in Philly, our former Chief of Police in D.C., Charles Ramsey even points out that while the guy is being attacked and drops his cell phone one of the passengers picks it up and yes... puts it in his pocket. What is with people these days?! What is really scary is that the attacker and victim never met and don't know each other at all. It was just a random, violent attack.

As part of the video package you can also see where people ignore the plight of one of our elderly citizens who is the victim of a hit and run x2. (This one is truly heinous because there is very little risk to self in trying to help someone.) He's been grazed by one car who never stops, hit by another in a dramatic fashion as he is thrown over the hood and lands on the ground. This driver never stops either. Amazingly, neither does anybody else!!!!! Other drivers, pedestrians..... no one helps the guy! He's lying in the middle of the street and no one pays any attention. It's simply incredible, and totally disgusting.

I'm beginning to understand why God sent the big flood.

It's amazing to me that we can all rally around with our patriotism and think we're fighting terrorism and preventing attacks here, when we allow this kind of domestic terrorism to occur amongst us without batting an eye. What does an attack on a train have to do with terrorism? Ask yourself, how scared would you be if you saw that? Would you feel safe on the train about the next day if you had to ride, would you? This kind of terrorism affects all of us, and has wide-reaching effects within communities.

Terrorism isn't limited to the people who hate our country and it's ideals. It happens everyday in places around the country. If we as Americans do not intervene in some fashion to help others when they need it, we've already abandoned the ideals we supposedly cherish. Granted, some situations have higher stakes than others. I didn't say it would be easy. The act of "I don't want to get involved" with situations that simply involve stopping traffic, and calling an ambulance should be met with some sort of culpability that put the victim there in the first place. We are all citizens in the communities in which we live. We should be there to see one another through, not see through one another (forgot who quoted this...but I liked it).

And for those of you who disagree, I certainly hope you don't find yourself on the wrong end of a hammer on a train somewhere. Or on the asphalt after getting hit by two cars. It's gonna be a long wait until you get help; at least in the world you want to see!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Check out the new Jib Jab on the very bottom!

Howdy All,

Check out the new Jib Jab on this year's election at the very bottom of the blog!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fantastic email I got today!

I opened my email tonight and found this from my Mom:

E-Mail of the Year!!


'My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed.Since Congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete.

This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq. This action will be complete within 30 days.

It is now time to begin the reckoning.Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short . The United Kingdom, Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, and Poland are some of the countries listed there.

The other list contains every one not on the first list. Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of both lists later this evening.Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases indefinitely. The money saved during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war. THEN EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER IT'll GO TO OUR SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM SO IT WONT GO BROKE IN 20 YEARS.

The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hell holes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.Need help with a famine ? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.

In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home. On that note, a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth.

Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France or maybe China.

I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France, Germany, and Russia. Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well.

I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world. I love New York.

A special note to our neighbors: Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change.

Mexico is also on List 2. Its president and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple thousand extra tanks and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put 'em? Yep, border security.

Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty - starting now.We are tired of the one-way highway.

Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in Alaska-which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to come. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there.

It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, 'darn tootin.'

Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet.

It is time to eliminate hunger in America. It is time to eliminate homelessness in America.

To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thank you guys. We owe you and we won't forget.

To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak Arabic.

God bless America.. Thank you and good night.'If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.(Please forward this to at least ten friends and see what happens! Let's get this to every USA computer!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Lightning strike!

Lightning strike!
While in Minneapolis, we had a really bad storm roll through. It had generated a Tornado about 50 miles west of the city about an hour before it hit the city. I decided to take several photos of it and post them to under my user name baileyscrn. It was a really powerful storm and it was quite eerie because of the glowing as it rolled over us. It had a very well defined shelf cloud and because it was so narrow a storm, the sun made the sky glow. Quite impressive on Mother Nature's part. Some of the shots show the building that is getting struck by lightning appearing to be glowing. But it is in fact reflecting the blue sky behind my hotel while the storm moves through. You can see how the white part of the building actually gets darker as the storm moves through. There was a LOT of lightning with the storm and I have to tell you I was more than a little nervous to be standing in the window taking pictures on the 14th floor! But, I got some great shots for the effort!

By the way, I have not done any touch-ups on this photo... isn't the sky gorgeous?!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Running of the Bulls

Okay, so here I am in Minneapolis this morning trying to wake up.  Last night we had a really loud bunch of storms pass by and it woke me up.  I managed to go back to sleep, but I am minus a few hours.  So, I decided to check out the news this morning as a way of waking up.  

Over in Pamplona Italy it is that time of year when they board up the shops and have these celebratory days that I like to refer to as "The Influx of Mass Insanity", otherwise known as the "Running of the Bulls".  Now, I don't wish to trample (no pun intended) on a cultural tradition that has been around since 1591, but I have to ask myself who in their right mind would be on the same street as a herd of fighting bulls runs down it? (Thus the influx of insanity) I always seem magnetically drawn to the pictures of the running and the aftermath, and always wonder why people find it so enticing to be trampled by or gored by a bull?  I am sure you get quite the adrenalin rush.  Although I am not sure risking a horn through one's chest is worth it. Not too mention getting your vertebrae squashed as the bulls run over you.   There's just something about that injury potential that really isn't all that alluring. 

I have to say that this is the first year I have seen women in the pictures.  While I am all for equality,  I have to ask my sisters "What are you thinking??!!"  It's bad enough for the guys to be out there being trampled... but on average women are even smaller than men in stature.  This leads me to believe that when a bulls gores or tramples that perhaps the damage factor is ratcheted up a lot more.  So I will take the controversial stand to state "Women should not participate in the Running of the Bulls."  There, I said it.  Some might think I should turn in my independent girl card but I think someone has to take a stand in all that insanity.  There are just some events that women should not take part in.  We as a gender have enough to contend with during our lives (some more than others ---childbearing for example...similarly as painful I am sure) that we don't need to add running from a herd of really pissed off cows.  

There were several participants being taken to the hospital after the run.  One guy seemed to be in bad shape, and looked a bit pasty if you ask me.  They had a C-collar on him and put him on a back board. I hope he's okay.  But if not,  how does one explain one's paralysis as a badge of honor? This is why I refer to it as insanity.  Certainly there has to be other ways to prove one's maleness factor that are less fraught with pending death or dismemberment.  I mean there are variables that you can't control here.  That guy who pushes you down, or that girl who distracts you and then you find yourself at the wrong place at definitely the wrong time.  Why not jump off a tall building instead?  At least then most people take reasonable steps to prevent the injuries associated with deceleration, and there is no one else there sabotaging your exit. Except for maybe the guy driving the car you land in front of.  Well okay, perhaps not the best alternate example. But you get my point.  

If I ever make to Italy, I can assure you I will enjoy other aspects of Italian culture and history to the fullest without risking paralysis or death.  I wonder what makes tourists think this is a good idea? We remind travelers to be careful of things like ferries and such while abroad because as we all know and have heard about ferries overturning due to overcrowding.  However, I don't think it occurs to most Travel Medicine practitioners to warn people about their own feet as a conveyance in Italy.  I can only imagine the teaching session...

TM practitioner:
" are going to Italy.  Well, while there and amongst all that wonderful food, wine and history, please keep in mind that your feet will not convey you any faster than normal if you are running from a really large herd of pissed off cows."   

"Why would I run from a large herd of pissed off cows?"

TM practitioner:
"Well it is easy to get up in the moment over there especially after the food and wine, especially.  I just want you to know that your feet are not imbued with magical running or leaping powers should you decide to participate in the festival that way."

Patient:  "Ah...okay.  Thanks. " (Walks away wondering what is wrong that person)

Over in Italy however, it's a different story.   "I'll show you who doesn't have magic feet!" And thus, the insanity begins. 

Well, now that I am fully awake, I suppose I'd better get ready for the conference this morning!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Guess where I went for lunch?

Minneapolis has a Hard Rock so naturally I had to go. Ever since I
went to Lisbon and saw one there and got a pin, I have been picking
them up wherever I go. Today I found a fabulous one. It also seems
that Minneapolis is one of the best stocked stores for pins that I
have found. Atlanta, Chicago and DC have nothing compared to here.
Gonna do some more exploring this afternoon... Nice place here in

Off on another adventure!

Today I am heading to Minneapolis. My purpose for going is to attend
an NNSDO conference.
It looks like I'll be the only one going from Holy Cross. I guess not
everyone was enthused about going to MN for a conference. Not having
been there myself I don't know if that'll ring true or not. I hear
it's very pretty this time of year though. And I definitely plan to
check out the Mall of America. I hear it's quite the shopping Mecca.
So if anyone has been there and has suggestions of things I should see
let me know!

More later!

Sue Bailey
Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, July 6, 2008

More on Vt.

Not usually an advocate of Fox News... but here's a good video feed.

Here's a link to the Perp's federal charging affadavit:

It is nauseating to think how he could manipulate these kids. Okay..I'm done for now. Can't stand another second of this filth!!

Leave it to Fox News...

Wow... new details on the Vermont case....,2933,376383,00.html

Turns out that Gagnon convinced his friend to dump the safe and a laptop for him while he was being held in Vt.! (He called him at 0300!) Turns out Gagnon also confessed about having sex with the 14 yr. old last year so he's also a pedophile. Makes me nauseous just thinking he had access to another underage girl where he lived in San Antonio!

Also, at the bottom of the page is a link to the actual affadavit that the FBI has produced on Gagnon (the stepfather). It is horrid. Holy mackeral. How did this child have acccess to these guys?!

An update to the Vermont thing

Here I was just surfing around Yahoo when I came across this item:;_ylt=AtetfyOZ4PR7b6HxRpqJ46pbIwgF's the Vermont thing again. Apparently the girl's stepfather was renting a room in San Antonio from a man and his family. They had been friends for about 4 years. Shortly before going back to Vermont, the stepfather asked this guy to help him dump a safe. The guy trusting his friend said sure he would help. So they dumped it.

Since then he's discovered that the safe probably held a lot of child pornography. He learned this after several FBI interviews that he's had since they discovered where the stepfather lived.

What is scary to think about is that there is a 17 year-old in the house. No mention as to whether Gagnon (the stepfather) ever bothered her as yet. His friend thus far has not been charged with any crime and it sounds like he shouldn't be based on the story. I think he is just as flabbergasted about what has happened as anyone else.

His first clue should have been when Jacques (the alleged murderer/pedophile) came to visit Gagnon and they all had lunch. Gagnon told his friend that the guy had a criminal record and that he was his brother-in-law. His friend wondered why he even hung around with a guy like that.

However, as we are all likely to do, that one little red flag didn't raise much commotion in terms of taking any sort of action. I hope we won't be hearing about anything that might have happened to that 17 yr. old in San Antonio. But with characters like this, who knows.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hmm.. still have the bee my bonnet.

Okay... I don't know what has gotten into me this morning but I just looked the guy up on this sex offender site: his name is Michael Stephen Jacques according to the news report.

Check it out.

We apparently have a problem with how we monitor previously convicted sex offenders in our country. How can you list a guy as being compliant with treatment, but not supervise him in any way?

Clearly, the "treatment" has gone off the rails if what is alleged is actually true. And how do you know he is compliant if he is not required to check in anywhere?

If this guy is part of a ring... geez... we clearly have some work to do here! Instead funding Haliburton... how about we fund the justice system so they can keep an eyeball on, and squash re-offenders before things go too far? Or better yet, figure out how to prevent as much as possible this from happening in the first place. UGH!!!!!

What is going on in Vermont?

Check out this story:;_ylt=AvzI5auWrfmKGx_Crk_1jSms0NUE

I think anyone with any sense of morals would find this situation to be just heinous. That a 12 year -old girl was duped by a family member no less, is bad enough. But after thinking about it for a minute, I have to ask myself what is really going on here?

This 12 year-old was allegedly last seen with her uncle a convicted sex offender, on 25 June 2008. He is her uncle by marriage (married her mother's sister). First off, I have to ask myself why her mother or father never discussed with her to avoid this person, despite him being her uncle. I find myself always trying to see the best in people and so I suppose there is the possibility that his conviction was one of teenage statutory rape (underage kids having sex...girl's parents pissed and pushed for conviction) scenario. But as I read further this seems highly unlikely, and therefore is simply nauseating.

As it is alleged, this man was part of a Pedofilic sex ring in Vermont and lured the niece to his house under the guise of having a party. When they got there, apparently a 14 year-old family member (girl, victim) of the accused was there with her boyfriend. As the story states, she has been having sex with this guy since she was 9 yrs old! She last saw the 12 yr old as she and the accused went upstairs. She and her boyfriend left at that point.

On one hand I have to assume that this 14 yr old knew what was going to happen, and yet did nothing. And while understanding this kid was a victim of a Pedophile for the past five years (allegedly) and this tends to skew one's perceptions, how could you not tell?! Especially after the 12 year old went upstairs with your attacker and then disappeared? Maybe she did later when she was in a safer position. Don't know the story doesn't say.

As if it couldn't get worse, it turns out the now dead girl's stepfather helped to try and cover up the ring by posting updates on the girl's My Space page implying that she was going to secretly meet someone. Her former stepfather for crying out loud!

I now find myself asking what happened that caused the girl's mother and stepfather to divorce (perhaps he put the moves on the kid?) in the first place...especially since he knew to cover up the ring and made frequent trips back to Vermont. By the way he was arrested on one of those trips back to Vermont by federal authorities and charged with obstruction of justice. If he was complicit in these kid's victimization, I have few other thoughts on how he should experience obstructing justice, or more to the point... causing justice to be up front and personal.

But I am still wondering... how does a family not coach a child about the dangers of this sex offender in their midst? How does her Aunt marry a convicted sex offender and expect the family to have their children around them? Having grown up in New England, albeit in a city bigger than 5,000 I am having quite a lot of difficulty reconciling how this child was not better protected than she was. Rural or not, in this day and age people are generally a lot more savvy about things like this and, it is generally a lot more public than when I was a kid. I have to wonder how this could have been prevented and a young girl could have grown up and contributed to the world.

That being said, my comments are not intended to be an indictment on the girl's parent's skills. Certainly, they are suffering terribly at this time. And I am sure they are asking themselves what they could have done to better protect her from this end. As a fellow human, I really feel very badly for them because certainly the loss of a child is among the worst of blows life has to offer. I just think it's important to see how this whole situation unfolded so it can be prevented in the future for someone else's child. And let's hope Justice comes hard and heavy where deserved.

Friday, June 27, 2008

What a way to start the day....

Well, today was the big day for window replacement. We've been hearing about it since before we signed the lease in May. They came last week and replaced the sliding glass door because one of the anklebiters nearly shattered it. It really is very nice. Can't hear a thing outside now, and I am sure we'll see an improvement in the bills too.

So, in preparation for the big day, we had to move everything in front of all the windows away at least 4 ft. Then, to my surprise the guard says "Oh, I think yours are getting done on Monday." Bummer! But then he came back and said "Oh no... they'll be doing it today...." YEAH!!

So just after all the windows in the bedrooms, sewing room and dining room had been removed, we clearly heard multiple sirens. I thought it must be a major bunch of trucks going down Rt. 29 or on Lockwood behind us. Alas, it was not. They were coming to us! It appears that while trying to plant lines for the new Verizon FiOs thing, they struck the gas line. At first we couldn't hear it because of the chain saw working on the tree to our right. Then lo and behold... not 1, but 3 firetrucks appear on the scene along with an ambulance. They made the guys with the chainsaw stop working even though they were well beyond 500 yds. away from the leak. Then we heard it... a loud whoosing sound.

That makes you wonder... just how bad is it if you have to stop work 500 yds. away? Well we soon found out. Hydrogen Sulfide in the morning is not the best way to start your day, let me tell you. Eau de "rotten egg" is definitely obnoxious. And now because we had a lovely cross breeze through the now wide open holes where our windows were we were getting quite the first hand experience with it. And, it was at least 500 yds away. I am just really glad I didn't live in the other building close to where that happened! But because the smell was so strong, they couldn't continue to put in the windows because of spark potential... !! At least that's what they told us. So we waited, and waited, and hoped we weren't losing too many brain cells!

So after ascertaining that I wasn't going to have to do a Fireman's carry down the 3 flights of stairs with my Aunt, I decided to go to work. On my way out I discovered that someone was injured or overcome by something because they were hosing something off and an ambulance was carting someone away.

As I left, it seemed the entire maintenance crew was having a confab under the pergola in the Zen garden discussing what happened and how they were going to fix it. I am sure glad I wasn't the one in the backhoe today!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Anklebiters, Part 2

Here's some fun shots from their visit.

New house

Well, we're almost settled in here. We had to rent a storage space because we had too much stuff. But for the most part we are almost done getting organized. Just to tantalize you I have included some photos....
We'll have a housewarming soon!

The Anklebiters

A couple of weeks ago now, my "cousins" came to visit. These are Jack's grandkids and great-grandkids. Aimee is Jack's granddaughter. And her three kids are obviously the great-grandkids. She has 3 of these rugrats which are very entertaining. One is 18 months, one has just turned 3, and one is 5. They are just great little kids. I've discovered that a broken Venetian blind and a lazy susan are among the best toys for an 18 month old. They even seem to inspire sibling rivalry with the 3 year old. The 3 year old, Arianna was just looking to vie for attention the whole time. But then, she's the girl of the group, and her Daddy's first, so she's a bit spoiled and used to the attention. She about gave me a heart attack after only the first hour of their arrival though. She was showing my Aunt how strong she was by lifting herself up on the back of my couch when she fell and hit her head on the sliding glass door, and broke it!! Now we know she has a hard head about her, but a 3 yr. old shouldn't be able to break a slider. There were no lacerations or concussions I could see, but when I saw her hit her head and the window crack...I gotta tell you, I was kicking myself for getting rid of my Whaley & Wong (peds textbook). Thank God she didn't get cut.

I have to tell you it is rather entertaining to try and do a PERRLA exam on a kid. They just want to follow that light wherever it goes. And of course, she has to have dark brown eyes too. Well, we put some ice on her head and she didn't even have a goose egg afterwards, but naturally I kept vigilant for signs of neuro issues to come.

While here, we went to the National Zoo. Naturally, it was the day with the heat index of 110 in the shade. It was so hot that even the animals were inside. I have to say that the Panda exhibit has really grown since I last saw it years ago. It would probably have been really cool if the Pandas were in it. But they were inside chewing on Bamboo. We were happy to go there since the A/C seemed to be on full tilt. Tai Shan is 2 now, and is really big. Still very cute too.

The next day we went on a Trolley Tour in only 105 degree heat. Let me tell you, the other bus would have been better... they had A/C. However, we intrepid souls decided to go forth and explore armed with multiple bottles of water and sunscreen. Did you know the Jefferson Memorial has A/C in the lower level? We were very happy to discover that. It was very cold. The Lincoln too has A/C. Just not the Trolley. So, I am afraid to say that our exploring lasted only a little while since it was so hot, and we drank all of our water. I was a little afraid our anklebiters would get heatstroke since they were kind of red, so we went back to Union Station to get lunch. I love the fact that that they have A/C there too. :) While there, we went to Pizzaria Uno and got some of the worst service available in the DC Metro area. The fellow was very nice, but not very attentive. We were all the way in the back and even the 5 year old was getting antsy for his lunch. He kept asking "Susan, how come it's taking sooo long?" I think we were there for at least 2 hours. In the meantime the mealtime entertainment included Arianna getting upset because Cameron (the 5 yr old) had crayons that she did not want him to have (she wanted them all) and Jason the 18 month old wanting to walk around the restaurant.

So, I took little J on a tour of Pizzaria Uno's while we waited for lunch. He has many admirers. That trademark dimple grin of his gets a lot of attention. No too mention the onesie and the diaper butt. He felt much better after taking a long stroll around the restaurant where I am sure we met a nearly homeless man, and some experts on Goth dress, among other interestingly styling trends. Jason took it all in stride and smiled away which got lots of positive reinforcement.

When we got home we made a quick trip to the pool, where the trademark grin turned into a half-grimace as Jason who was floating in a yellow ring didn't quite know what to do about the situation. This was his first time in a big pool. He wasn't sure he liked it, but at the same time it was cooler than he'd been all day. He had this conflict written all over his face. I have to say it was quite entertaining. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that!

Anyhow, I have enclosed some pictures for your persual... enjoy!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nursing saves the day again!

Prior to going to NTI this past week, I had joked that it was going to
be the safest place in the country because of all the critical care
nurses in town.
Well who knew it was such a predictive statement!
About 5 hrs. Ago while convention shuttles were bringing nurses to the
convention center, they witnessed a man get hit by a car. The bus
driver exclaimed this loudly and the nurses jumped into action. They
assesed the guy, and he had no vital signs. They quickly instituted
CPR and were able to get him back! As far as we know, he has survived
this accident.
The bus driver was just in awe of these everday heroes and couldn't
wait to share what she had seen. I only found out about it because bus
manager came on to the bus we were on and told us about it. Once again
nurses were in the right place and at the right time to save life.
Kind of makes a person proud to be in this profession!
Sent from my iPhone as we depart Chicago!

Four points by Sheraton

While we were here in Chicago, these guys were the best! They got us
squared away at every turn. Very pleasant and definitely better than
anywhere we went here inthe city!
That's Phillip on the left & Darron on the right.

Cinco de Mayo

Well here's our intrepid group out to celebrate 5 May at a restaurant
named "Su Casa". From the left...jennifer, caroline, zahra & pam.
Jennifer is Caroline's daughter.

Cinco de Mayo

Well here's our intrepid group out to celebrate 5 May at a restaurant
named "Su Casa". From the left...jennifer, caroline, zahra & pam.
Jennifer is Caroline's daughter.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


That thing is HUGE from the ground!

View after coming around

Beautiful views...almost worth the sheer terror!

What was I thinking?

Well, we popped off to the navy pier for short while after the tour.
We saw a ferris wheel and I thought I could get some great photos. So
up we went. I don't think I have ever been so high on a Ferris wheel!
It was REALLY high....
The next pictures wilshow you how high...

Architectural tour

We played a little hooky today and went on a river tour of the city.
Everyone raved about it so we gave it a try. It was fabulous! More

Sunday, May 4, 2008

We made it to Oprah Land!

Turns out that the HQ for United wanted the pilots on the L.A. flight to put oil in the engine so they could fly.  However, because the pilots were not qualified to do so they didn't feel comfortable to do it. Also, because if anything went wrong, they would be culpable. So, United tried to send mechanics from Dulles to BWI to put in the oil. As we were leaving, the L.A. crowd was still waiting.  They also sent other pilots, but no word on what happened there. 

We took a "Go" shuttle to the hotel, and it really is a nice hotel.  We have Jr. Suites known as "Extra Comfy" rooms. They have microwaves, refrigerators, etc.  VERY comfortable beds! I know I am going to be happy about that later tonight! Will send some photos soon....


We're on the plane!

Ok on the way! More later on the drama next door...

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We're @ the airport!

Well, we made it to the airport and naturally we have a flight delay.
Looks like 2 hours. Flight to L.A. Was dramatic next to us. The plane
was low oil so the Captain refused to fly. United HQ told him to fly..
He refused. They made an announcement and told the gate all this.
Plan B is to replace the Captain.. And mechanics r enroute from Dulles
to do the oil.
Personally, I have to give kudos to the pilot for sticking to his
guns. After all, this United..people r upset though. To be expected
though I guess.
Now we're in line at the gate to find out why we are in line. :)
More later!
Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Whoo hoo! NTI is almost here!

I am getting so excited for next week! Several of us from work are going to NTI...the annual pilgrimage to the American Association of Critical Care Nurse's conference. It is an amazingly huge conference! About 8,000 nurses converge this year in Chicago for the conference. I've never been to Chicago, so I am definitely looking forward to it! I'll be sending pictures and stories while on the road, hope you enjoy! Last year was my first year and it was simply overwhelming. I have no idea how many vendors they had, but I can tell you it had to be just about everyone in the industry and those who make things for nurses. The program for the conference itself was like a mini New York Phone Directory. I simply could not believe it. This year should be a lot of fun and re-energizing too. You come back all excited about Nursing again and all the things we can do for our patients and their families. Not too mention getting ALL the CEU's you might ever want or need. If are a critical care nurse, and have never been you simply MUST go. It's definitely worth it!!

Fabric Origami

Check out the flowers...dying to try this one!

Love this block

Love this!

Love this one...It's a beaut! Appliqué and quilting make this one

Ok... This is the last one...really!

Last Trapunto view

Detail view of Trapunto quilt

I hope you can see the details on this quilt. I don't think I would
have the patience for it.

This one is stunning!

This quilt up close is absolutely stunning. The detail of the quilt is
created by the quilting of it. It also uses a technique called
Trapunto which essentially creates a dimensional and lightly colored
area on the quilt top.

Best in Show

This one won best in show.

Faithful Quilters guild show

Well, I went to my first quilt show about 2 weeks ago. These quilts
were just stunning. The guild members were so nice that my aunt & I
ended up joining the guild! We went to our first meeting on Monday and
met a bunch of really nice people, not too mention got to see some
more works in progress! Also met some folks who can do quilting too!
By that, I mean people I can pay to do mine...until I can learn how to
do it myself. Anyway, here's one of the beauties we saw....

Part of the moving nightmare

This is a close up of one of the table legs of my new table. They
completely broke it! We actually found part of it in the elevator the
next evening!
They broke several things... One of my chairs, both living room
tables, my computer armoire and more!
More pictures and details to follow!
In the meantime, avoid STARVING STUDENTS MOVING INC. Naturally it was
only after this all happened, that I discovered that the BBB rates
this company as an "F"!

It's been a while since I started this...

Well, a lot has happened since it occurred to me to start this thing. I moved from VA back to MD and my Aunt moved in with me. The work to prepare to move and then the nightmare move I had was just unbelievable. I will post some pictures of the damage that the STARVING STUDENTS movers made to my furniture and regal you with the details later. Wait until you see it, you won't believe it!


Well...sooner or later I'm going figure this out!

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Sent from my iPhone