Friday, July 10, 2009

Prisoner Not Allowed to read Obama's books

Here's the story link:

What I don't understand is this: if there is a national security threat by allowing this convicted Al Queda member to read the books, then is there not a national security threat for anyone else to read them on the open market? I mean if they cite a national security threat as a reason for their banning the books, should we not be concerned about what is stated in the books for anyone and their brother to read?

I'm all for protecting the country and everything, but this seems odd. And now, because of the press on this story, everyone knows about the concerns with national security. Shouldn't that be concerning to national security? I mean anyone can go into a book store and buy books, but this one guy shouldn't read it?

On the completely idealistic and naive side, maybe if he read the books he'd like what he saw and wouldn't be so anti-American. And if he doesn't, well, he's in jail for life so what does it matter?

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