Friday, July 17, 2009

Ayuh...Mainers Stand Their Ground!

Here's the story link:

I have to give kudos to my fellow Mainers in Otisfield, ME for taking on the "tyranny" of the USPS. Here's a small town of a few thousand people who have a singular mailbox for the town's use and the USPS wants to take it away. This town doesn't have its own zip code, nor does it have a Post Office. The nearest mailbox is miles away.

There is a town mailbox a few feet away from the standard public mailbox. Residents of Otisfield don't want the mailbox removed because curbside mailboxes are often taken out by snowplows and vandals so it is an unreliable route at best, to get mail out.

People were prepared to chain themselves to the box to keep it. The road commissioner even put heavy machinery around it at night to prevent a late night removal. That brings a whole new meaning to the old phrase... "you can't there from here".

Kudos, Otisfield!

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